Online Streaming Wicked Flying Monkeys in HD Format. Full Movie Streaming Wicked Flying Monkeys in High Quality Video. Play Movie Wicked Flying Monkeys in High Definition Quality. Watch Streaming Wicked Flying Monkeys in High Definition Format. Play Streaming Wicked Flying Monkeys in High Quality.
Now you can see complete description of Wicked Flying Monkeys below:
- Original Title : Wicked Flying Monkeys
- Movie title in your country : Wicked Flying Monkeys
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Fantasy, Animation, Adventure,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-03-26
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie : English, Español,
- Durationof movie : 86 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.7
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : PT,EN,ES,RU,PT,UK,
- Cast of movie :Loreto Peralta (Gabby), Maya Tremblay (Mildew), Liliana Barba Meinecke (Glinda), Erik Braa (Goliath), Mikey Bolts (Ozzy), Susana Zabaleta (Eveline)
Wicked Flying Monkeys is a good movie created by featuring a description of the movie is "Ozzy is an enthusiastic and friendly flying monkey, son of the legendary Goliath, the brave warrior. They serve Evilene - the wicked witch - just as the rest of their kin. But Ozzy is not happy about it and when Evilene's plans put Oz once again in peril, Ozzy reaches out to the Champions of Oz, three great friends (the Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tinman) with incredible qualities that have taken Emerald City to its maximum splendor.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Animation : Andrés Couturier, Director : Alberto Mar, Screenstory : Jorge R. Gutierrez, Screenplay : Douglas Langdale, Screenstory : Evan Gore
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