Download Movie The Miracle Maker in Best Quality. Full Movie Streaming The Miracle Maker in High Definition Format. Watch Full Movie The Miracle Maker in Top Video Format. Download Full The Miracle Maker in Best Look Video Format. Play Streaming The Miracle Maker in High Quality.
You can observe total description of The Miracle Maker below:
- Original Title : The Miracle Maker
- Movie title in your country : The Miracle Maker
- Year of movie : 2000
- Genres of movie : Animation, Family, History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2000-03-31
- Companies of movie : Cartwn Cymru, Sianel 4 Cymru (S4C),
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom, Russia,
- Language of movie : English, Français,
- Durationof movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : RU,EN,NL,DE,PT,IT,ES,FR,HU,
- Actors of movie :Lennie James (Gaius Velius Quintilus), Phoebe Nicholls (Mary), Julie Christie (Rachel), David Thewlis (Judas Iscariot), David Schofield (Caiaphas), Michael Nardone (), Bob Peck (Joseph of Arimathea), Nigel Anthony (Sadduccee), Richard E. Grant (John The Baptist), Ian Holm (Pontius Pilate), Rebecca Callard (Tamar), Patrick Godfrey (Matthew / Annas), William Hurt (Jairus), Ralph Fiennes (Jesus), James Frain (Thomas), Daniel Massey (Cleopas), Ewan Stewart (Andrew), Emily Mortimer (Mary of Nazareth), Dougray Scott (James the Disciple), Miranda Richardson (Mary Magdalene), Anton Lesser (Herod), Tim McInnerny (Barabbas), Ken Stott (Simon Peter), Michael Bryant (God/ The Doctor), Antony Sher (Ben Azra), Alfred Molina (Simon the Pharisee)
The Miracle Maker method to stay movie provided by Cartwn Cymru, Sianel 4 Cymru (S4C), utilizing a description of the movie is "A mother and father in search of help for their sick daughter cross paths with an extraordinary carpenter named Jesus, who has devoted his life to spreading God's word. An amazing miracle brings to light the true meaning of Christ, and the sacrifices he endured for the deliverance of mankind. A compelling story of faith, trust, and devotion.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Director : Stanislav M. Sokolov, Writer : Murray Watts, Original Music Composer : Anne Dudley, Director : Derek W. Hayes
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