Download Movie Make Mine Music in Top Video Format. Play Streaming Make Mine Music in High Definition Quality. Online Streaming Make Mine Music in HD Video. Watch Full Movie Make Mine Music in HD Format. Play Movie Make Mine Music in Best Video Format.
You will observe complete description of Make Mine Music below:
- Original Title : Make Mine Music
- Movie title in your country : Make Mine Music
- Year of movie : 1946
- Genres of movie : Animation, Family, Music,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1946-04-26
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 75 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.9
- Youtube ID of movie : ElnqVbngjy0
- Translation of movie : DA,NB,FR,DE,NL,FI,NO,ZH,PT,HE,ES,PT,RU,EN,IT,SV,KO,
- Actors of movie :Andy Russell (Himself (voice)), Nelson Eddy (Narrator / Characters (segment "The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met") (voice)), David Lichine (Himself (as Lichine)), Tania Riabouchinskaya (Herself (as Riabouchinska)), Sterling Holloway (Narrator (segment "Peter and the Wolf") (voice)), The King's Men (Themselves (voice) (as King's Men)), Dinah Shore (Herself (voice)), The Pied Pipers (Themselves (voice) (as Pied Pipers)), Ken Darby (Themselves (voice) (as Ken Darby Chorus)), Jerry Colonna (Narrator (segment "Casey at the Bat") (voice)), Benny Goodman (Himself)
Make Mine Music is best movie produced by Walt Disney Pictures, featuring a description of the movie is "In the tradition of Fantasia, Make Mine Music is a glorious collection of nine musically charged animated shorts featuring such fun-filled favorites as "Peter And The Wolf", narrated by the beloved voice behind Winnie The Pooh. In addition, you'll enjoy such classic cartoon hits as "Casey At The Bat," "The Whale Who Wanted To Sing At The Met" and "Johnnie Fedora And Alice Bluebonnet."". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
You are at the moment watching : Make Mine Music from Walt Disney Pictures, in HD Quality as well as should really be released in your personal Country. Have your favorites instantly movie, for the push of a power switch! Having unrestricted dollar amount of bandwidth and content to stream, watch what you dream about, for you!
Animation : Ollie Johnston, Director : Jack Kinney, Animation : Les Clark, Background Designer : Merle Cox, Story : Dick Huemer, Director : Hamilton Luske, Animation : John Lounsbery, Story : Homer Brightman, Director : Robert Cormack, Director : Joshua Meador, Director : Clyde Geronimi
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Tags: musical,
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